Gerasimov Michail

Birth place
Belgorod region, Prokhorovka village
Academic degree
candidate of technical sciences from 1997 until now ,
candidate of technical sciences (speciality - VAC 05.02.13 Машины, агрегаты и процессы (по отраслям)) ,
candidate of technical sciences (speciality - VAC 05.02.13 Машины, агрегаты и процессы (по отраслям)) from 2006 until now ,
candidate of technical sciences (speciality - VAC 2.5 Машиностроение) (speciality - VAC 2.9 Транспортные системы)
Science rang
Academic rank
Medal' "Za zaslugi pered BGTU im. V.G. Shuhova III stepeni"
  1. Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov , kafedra PTiDM , docent , 2007 until now
  2. Latyschev Strgey S , Descriptive Geometry and Graphics ,
Scientific interests
VAC 2 Технические науки
Vibrating machines and vibration devices, asymmetric vibrations.
SibADI Bulletin, 2024
Schebekino, Russian Federation
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