Belgorod, Belgorod, Russian Federation
Belgorod, Russian Federation
Stroitel, Belgorod, Russian Federation
UDK 7 Искусство. Декоративно-прикладное искусство. Фотография. Музыка. Игры. Спорт
This paper considers determining the place and role of creative industries and creative residencies in the general system of public social-cultural infrastructure and identifying the peculiarities of forming a network of creative residencies in Russia. It is demonstrated that the systemic appearance of a network of creative residencies in the Russian Federation in the early 2000s mostly as a result of reconstruction /renovation of industrial heritage objects and public cultural services objects (clubs, movie theaters, museums etc.) was predetermined both by the necessity of depressed urban areas renewal and by modernization of cultural and social public services’ system in general. Modernization of the so-called «social infrastructure» for the population is associated with the large-scale information technologies implementation, the increasing aestheticization of everyday processes and the ever-growing involvement of art and creative components into economic values production. An overview of modern objects of the country-wide creative residencies network in Russia is presented. It is demonstrated that the so-called «creative industries», which are the core sphere of activity of art residencies, are located at the joining point of three types of the community subsystem’s activities: cultural-and-entertainment, trade-and-service and training-and-educational. The author’s models, describing the role of creative industries and creative residencies in the social infrastructure from the perspective of system approach, are presented. The functional structure of any architectural objects of social and cultural designation, which would reveal their systemic essence and composition, is substantiated.
art residency, art cluster, creative industries, system, system approach, social infrastructure, industrial heritage
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