from 01.01.2019 until now
Russian Federation
from 01.01.2001 until now
g. Tyumen', Tyumen, Russian Federation
VAC 05.02.2000 Машиностроение и машиноведение
VAC 05.17.00 Химическая технология
VAC 05.23.00 Строительство и архитектура
UDK 72 Архитектура
GRNTI 67.07 Архитектура
OKSO 07.09.03 Дизайн архитектурной среды
BBK 8511 Архитектура
TBK 9110 Журналы
BISAC DES000000 General
Architecture is an integral part human life. It influences the psyche and health of people, causing certain associations. Architectural objects are often captured through the lens of cameras. Selfie culture has become a powerful tool for promoting new meanings and designing modern public spaces. The need for selfie backgrounds is increasing. This encourages artists and architects to create interesting solutions for urban space. There are examples of urban street art in many cities around the world and in Russia. In Tyumen, there are memorable objects for visitors and its residents, which in turn are urban landmarks and are responsible for the strategic and economic development of the city. They are recognizable, stand out against the background of a monotonous environment and help to navigate the urban landscape. As a result of conducted research, the nformation is obtained on the most popular places for photos in the city of Tyumen. Territories can be divided into the following categories: environment, object and background. An architectural structure that meets all the criteria and is a key symbol of the city is selected from the objects considered. The selfie architecture of Tyumen is an integral part of the culture of today. However, at the moment in Tyumen there are no popular truly utilitarian spaces intended only for photos as it happens in other cities.
Selfie-architecture, selfie-culture, photo, architecture, Tyumen, city architecture
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