Shubenkov Mihail Valer'evich

Academic degree
doctor of architecture
Science rang
professor, ,
academician, Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences
Academic rank
Honorary worker in/about the Russian Federation
  1. employee Moscow Institute of Architecture (state academy) , dep. of the Urbanizm , head of the department , Education level: Doctoral studies Specialty: 07.09.01 Архитектура 07.09.02 Реконструкция и реставрация архитектурного наследия 07.09.03 Дизайн архитектурной среды 07.09.04 Градостроительство
  • Journal "Bulletin of Belgorod State Technological University named after. V. G. Shukhov" — member of editorial board, employee
  • Conference "2021. Science, Education and Experimental Design" — doctor of architecture, professor, employee
  • Conference article/thesis "Overview of the specifics of the foreign circumpolar countries’ urban development",
  • Conference article/thesis "Revitalization issues of the historical center of Krasnodar",
  • Conference article/thesis "Features of the formation of recreational and tourist clusters in the Arctic regions of Yakutia.",
  • Conference article/thesis "Advantages and disadvantages of draining water in reservoirs",
  • Conference article/thesis "Mega urban projects as a new tool for urban planning",
  • Conference article/thesis "The specificity of architectural and urban environment modernization in large historical urban centers (on the example of Voronezh and Krasnodar)",
  • Conference article/thesis "Transport frame in the system of urban-ecological regulation of territories",
  • Conference "2023. Science, education and experimental design" — member of the editorial board, employee
  • Conference "20234. Science, Education and Experimental Design. Theses of MARCHI" — member of the editorial board, employee
  • Conference article/thesis "Polychromy as an architecture and urban planning method of creating color integrity of Moscow development",
  • Conference article/thesis "The modeling of settlement systems in the border far-eastern territories of the Russian Federation",
  • Conference article/thesis "Planning formation of cities in extreme climatic conditions of the North at the macro, meso and micro levels using the example of Yakutsk and Murmansk",
  • Conference article/thesis "The role of public spaces in the strategy of urban reconstruction of post-conflict territories of new regions of the Russian Federation",
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation


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