Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to environmentally oriented urban development for the purpose of resettlement. The study of natural urban resettlement system is a new scientific field, which gives much attention. The author proposes to consider one of the most interesting territories located in the southern part of Siberia and stretching south of the Trans-Siberian Railway in the direction of the Altai Mountains, between the Ob river (along the settlement axis "Novosibirsk - Barnaul - Biysk - Gorno-Altaysk") and Tom river (along the settlement axis "Kemerovo - Novokuznetsk"). As a result, the author identified certain morphotypes, in each of which a resettlement framework and a natural-ecological framework were identified. For one of the morphotypes, the one characteristic fragment – Katun (Chemal region) with characteristic problems was selected along. As a result, a 3D model of the natural-urban planning system of settlement was designed. The key element in the work is the methodology for the development of such 3D models, which allows making a connection between urban exploration and development, taking into account the saving of the ecological balance of unique natural landscapes.

urban planning, territorial planning, natural landscape conditions, resettlement system

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