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Abstract (English):
The article presents the outcomes of analysis and synthesis of Russian and Kazakh researches on the issue of the use of industrial waste industry for the production of composite slag base binders and concretes. Utilization, liquidation of industrial wastes and their use in the production of composite alkali-activated slag are the issues of global and national importance. Therefore, industrial and developed countries pay great attention to this issue. The influence of the production wastes of the enrichment of polymetallic ores – carbonate-barium tailings on the performance properties (strength, water absorption, density, etc.) of composite alkali-activated slag and concretes is studied. The ways of introducing modifying additives “waste of carbonate-barium tailings” into the composition of alkali-activated slag and concretes are investigated. The optimal amount of introduction the waste of carbonate-barium tailings into the composition of alkali-activated slag of modifying additives is determined. It is 10% of the binder mass and an indicator of effectiveness in influencing the activity of concrete, depending on the type of alkaline component and the hardening conditions. The methods of testing the experimental work to determine the operational properties of alkali-activated slag and concretes based on them are presented.

waste of carbonate-barium tails, alkali-activated slag, modifying additives, strength, water absorption, density.
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