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Abstract (English):
The most effective way of modifying the material surface to provide the desired product properties (corrosion, wear, etc.) is a thin-film coating, such as vacuum ion-plasma covering. Coating properties are determined by the properties of the coating and substrate materials (underlayer substrate is the material to be coated). Coatings stability over time is determined, among other factors, by the compatibility of the coating and substrate materials for physical, crystal-chemical, chemical and other properties. In this regard, is necessary to research physical properties of materials, in particular, in the surface areas. In this paper we study the elastic reflection and scattering of bombarding electrons in the surface layers of the crystal in a classical setting.

elastic reflection and scattering of bombarding electrons from atoms in the surface layers of the crystal, Davisson-Germer experiment, de Broglie’s electronic waves, diffraction.
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