Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article discusses the determination of optimum speed of movement of the blades of rotary mixers on the criterion of minimizing the specific costs per unit of products, including operating costs and capital investments: the cost of raw materials in the technological process; cost of wages of employees; total costs of depreciation and overhaul costs routine maintenance and minor repairs; energy costs; the cost of lubricants; the cost of replacement tooling; capital investments for the purchase of machines, etc. All costs and investments are analyzed from the point of view of influence of speed of movement of the blades in the corresponding figure. The result is a functional dependence between all components of the specific costs for a unit of output and speed of movement of the blades of rotary mixers. Based on the analysis of known data, this dependence is accepted parabolic (quadratic). Comparison of the results of the calculation for rotary mixers high capacity with published data yields good convergence.

rotary mixer, intensification, productivity, speed of movement of the blades of the rotor, given the costs.
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