Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
At the present stage of technological development, where low labor intensity are highly valued, high efficiency and representativeness of measurements, a convenient means of storing and processing information, the infrared (IR) thermometry recaptures more and more space. The exact definition of the concrete temperature (with an error of 1 °C or less, usually defined by the sensor) is extremely complicated: Instrumental errors superimposed on the error measurement method used, on the errors associated with the arrangement of the measurement sites, etc. In relative terms, the rates of heating-cooling, in the absolute, the range of allowed temperatures when exposed concrete such accuracy looks obviously excessive and unjustified technically and economically. Considering the IR technique as a means postroechnyh control the concrete temperature, and when performing measurements using its implementation should be tailored to suit the IR measurements and factors that can lead to significant measurement errors. Since these factors can greatly affect the measurement result. Reliability indirect MOTB (method of determining the temperature of the concrete) with pyrometers is achieved by using the calculated accurate according to a certain type of decks and compliance with the measurement rules to ensure the work of this relationship within the allowable range of accuracy.

infrared technology, control concrete temperature, thermometer, thermal imager, temperature and strength control.
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