GRNTI 67.09 Строительные материалы и изделия
BBK 383 Строительные материалы и изделия
The most promising trend in modern science and the construction industry is nanotechnology. Through numerous laboratory tests of materials, having in its composition a substance as a multi-layer carbon nanotubes, it has been proven that even small amounts of nanomaterials entered increases the strength characteristics of the test sample. In the study, it was shown that when injected into fiber-concrete samples made on the basis of raw materials of the North Caucasus and containing a fiber of various types, a small number of multi-layer carbon nanotubes increases the strength characteristics of the fiber-reinforced concrete. This area is relevant to the conditions of use in the North Caucasus in relation to the construction and restoration of buildings of sanitary and recreation centers because, as the fiber concrete is a thin-walled material, which carries the load on the bearing part and the base of the building is much less than concrete. But such a property, as the ability to take many forms give buildings and facilities in addition to the positive performance of more and aesthetic appeal.
composite binders, fibrous concrete, nanotube fiber
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