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Abstract (English):
Currently, machine-building enterprises are increasingly using new composite materials for the production of parts, accessories and repair. One such material is a metallopolymeric composite structure with an aluminum filler. In general, it is an epoxy-dienoic filled with an aluminum matrix excipient. Owing to its flow properties in the uncured state, and hardness and heat resistance when cured, the material is increasingly used in the production. Previous studies have shown the use of metal-polymer material as the material forming the mold parts, as this significantly reduces the cost of equipment for molding plastics. Unlike steel machining modes metallopolymers insufficiently studied, because the material is new, and as yet only finds its field of application. However, in the manufacture of it forming tooling molds required to appoint such process steps and processing modes, which will provide the required dimensional accuracy and surface roughness detail. For a given parameter surface roughness of a metallopolymeric in the processing of grinding was found model of the surface roughness of the parameter rate table movement and the depth of cut.

roughness, metallopolymers, the mold, surface grinding, molding plastics, simulator.
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