GRNTI 06.01 Общие вопросы экономических наук
BBK 65 Экономика. Экономические науки
Analysis of the world practice shows that success of innovation activities of companies is largely dependent on a comprehensive, in depth study of the investment project for construction. Today in Russia in the investment management of the construction there is an urgent need to the strengthen the innovative orientation, as the innovative development of the construction industry contributes to the economic and social recovery of the whole country. But there are some problems with attracting investment of innovation oriented to the construction industry and, above all, it is connected with high risks of new technologies, the absence of the required level of qualification of workers, long-term process of implementation. To determine the attractiveness of investments innovative oriented economists have taken different approaches to the evaluation. In this study, an analysis of existing evaluation methods of innovation and investment projects in building, identifies shortcomings and proposes measures to address them.
economy, building, innovation and investment policy, business projects, designing pro-jection, evaluation of the project.
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