GRNTI 06.01 Общие вопросы экономических наук
BBK 65 Экономика. Экономические науки
Today, the domestic economy is going through difficult times associated with the instability of the geopolitical situation in the world, a strengthening of the sanctions policy of Western countries to-wards the Russian Federation, limited access to foreign investment and other factors that directly affect the speed and quality of economic development of the state. However, Russia today is on the path of innovative development, so the generation and usage in industry innovation is a priority. Recognition of necessity of innovative development of Russia determines the importance of improving and obtaining good results in such a relatively young activities for our country as project management and engineering. In this paper, the influence of project management as a form of innovative management in the development of the engineering centre, based at the University. Steady growth in demand for engineering services, which contribute to qualitative and effective implemen-tation of the latest technological solutions in production, largely due to the significant complexity of scientific results in scientific, research and innovation. Therefore, the use of the principles and methods of project management creates the conditions for high performance implementation of innovation projects, which include the creation and development of engineering centers, including in the field of building materials industry.
project management, innovation, engineering center, university projects
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