Belgorod, Belgorod, Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Belgorod, Belgorod, Russian Federation
In various industries for production of cement, lime, gypsum, ceramic products for grinding solid materials using ball tube mills. In the process of operation under load of the mill, the wear of the main bearings of the drum tube mills – axles, with the result that on the surface appear different defects. The quality and performance of cement plants are directly dependent on the accuracy of its reconstruction, repair and content validity, determining largely technical and economic effect from the use of modern technical devices. Mill work in the area of large dynamic loads, leading to loss of efficiency and as a result long downtime to repair. With a view to their reduction, currently, to restore industrial equipment used in portable machines. Optimization of processing of surfaces of rotation when restoring large parts will allow you to obtain a rational combination of the varied parameters.
large rotating equipment, restoring health, rotary machining, process optimization.
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