Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov
In terms of Western sanctions, the sharp drop in oil prices and other energy sources, the island became a question of import substitution technologies and products in Russia from abroad. The article explains that in a difficult economic situation, the output of which is to diversify the Russian economy, translating it from the raw to the innovative way of development, including the processes of technology substitution and goods, an important role belongs to the state policy of import substitution in the overall economy and the construction industry in particular. Attention is drawn to the need for state regulation in this sphere of economic activity, the development of effective criteria for targeted support for import-substituting industries in the construction industry, the ability to adapt foreign practice of import substitution, and others. It is concluded that the economic literacy policy of import substitution can be a catalyst for growth in the Russian construction industry, more effective her work in the conditions of Western sanctions.
Western sanctions, the construction industry, import substitution technologies and prod-ucts.
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