Fillers in asphalt concrete are used to improve the hardness or strength characteristics, reducing of creep deformation (residual deformation), density increasing. In compliance with it the structuring capacity of mineral fillers including fly ashes from power stations should be studied. Differences in testing methods in Russia and European countries initiate big difficults in comparison of experimental data for mineral powders. In this work the higher porosity and higher bitumen content of low-calcium fly ash from Omsk power plant vs. high-calcium fly ash from Nasarovsk power plant. It is confirmed by rheological data for bitumen mastic determined by viscosimeter. The higher value of viscosity for bitumen mastics with low-calcium fly ash in the studied temperature range (including operating high temperatures) is associated with lower temperature sensitivity and higher heat resistance of final composite. So, the composite with higher porosity effects on bitumen binder structure formation more significantly.
fly-ashes from power stations, bitumen mastics, rheological characteristics, viscosity, penetration, melting point
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