Belgorod, Belgorod, Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Belgorod, Belgorod, Russian Federation
In various industries for production of cement, lime, gypsum, ceramic products for grinding hard materials and are used rotary dryer kiln, ball tube mills and a variety of large rotating equipment. One of the main factor enhancing the performance of this equipment is its reliability depends on the quality installation work, timely repair and maintenance. To study the processing of large parts of industrial equipment designed and manufactured experimental setup that will allow you to restore the performance of units in operation. With the aim of assessing the efficiency of the proposed method of recovery of a surface of revolution large parts of the industrial equipment requires experimental investigations. In the course of the experiment it is necessary to investigate the influence of the machining parameters of rotary cutter for processing a surface of rotation of large parts of industrial equipment for various parameters. The solution to these questions will determine the proper design and preferred process parameters for maximum processing efficiency.
large rotating equipment, restoring health, a pilot study, the influence of the varied parameters.
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