Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
At the present day manufacturing facilities and equipment in Russian enterprises are heavily worn out and being modernized in order to improve their competitiveness. The new production technology differs to a considerable extent from the previously used ones, which calls for modification of the management system of an enterprise, adjustments in algorithms for main and auxiliary business processes, employee retraining and additional motivation. The article examines trends of technological equipment resources in Russian enterprises; the size of added value per capita in processing industries was compared to that in the developed countries; the basic factors were identified that define the features of modern production equipment and the respective changes in machine building enterprises due to appearance of the new production technology. On the basis of the findings obtained researchers and managers who are responsible for taking managerial decisions can identify the key factors of success in new conditions, as well as develop theoretical framework of the process-based management taking into account the features for operation and maintenance of the modern production technology.

equipment, business process, machine building, managerial decision, process-based management.

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